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招标信息 | 2024-09-23丨 湖南

party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>

招标信息 | 2024-09-23丨 湖南

party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>

招标信息 | 2024-09-23丨 湖南

party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>

招标信息 | 2024-09-23丨 湖南

应地震基本烈度为 VI 度。应根据《公路工程抗震规范》(JTG B02-2013)及《公路桥梁抗震细则》(JTG/TB02-01-2008)的相关规定进行设防。 3.水文与气象简况:零陵区境内气侯温和、雨量充沛的亚热带气温条件,既具温光丰富的大陆性季风气候特点又有雨量充沛、空气湿润的海洋性气候特征。 查看详情>>

招标信息 | 2024-09-23丨 湖南

应地震基本烈度为 VI 度。应根据《公路工程抗震规范》(JTG B02-2013)及《公路桥梁抗震细则》(JTG/TB02-01-2008)的相关规定进行设防。 3.水文与气象简况:零陵区境内气侯温和、雨量充沛的亚热带气温条件,既具温光丰富的大陆性季风气候特点又有雨量充沛、空气湿润的海洋性气候特征。 查看详情>>

招标信息 | 2024-09-21丨 湖南

party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>

招标信息 | 2024-09-20丨 湖南

party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>

招标信息 | 2024-09-20丨 湖南

party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>

招标信息 | 2024-09-20丨 湖南

party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
微/IN&VI ZBL 1 550.0 550.0 2 【运费】 1 0.0 六、保证金金额、收款银行、用户名及卡号: 七、其他补充事宜: 八、公告期限: 自本公告发布之日起1个工作日。  查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
油 92#汽油(国VI) 中国石化/92#汽油(国VI) 1367 10000 升 武陵区建设路88号 2024-09-20 三、投诉质疑: 5个工作日之内,若有异议,向采购人质疑。 四、联系方式 采购人名称:中共常德市委社会工作部 地 址:武陵区建设路88号 联系 查看详情>>

招标信息 | 2024-09-20丨 湖南

party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
分行醴陵支行家具、VI、安防工程项目(第二次)竞争性磋商邀请公告发布时间:2024-09-19 15:50:52湖南省中方项目管理有限公司类型:竞争性磋商湖南银行株洲分行醴陵支行家具、VI、安防工程项目(第二次)竞争性磋商邀请公告 受湖南银行股份有限公司株洲分行的委托,对湖南银行株洲分行醴陵支行家具 查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>

招标信息 | 2024-09-19丨 湖南

party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>

招标信息 | 2024-09-19丨 湖南

party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>

招标信息 | 2024-09-19丨 湖南

party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
980.0 群安\VI-600Max 验收通过 2 【运费】 1 0.0 验收通过 验收报告:验收人员名单:江霞  查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>

招标信息 | 2024-09-19丨 湖南

party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
澄清或变更简要说明:1、招标文件第二章 投标资料表“投标人须知”第24.1条:“投标文件的递交地址 查看详情>>
澄清或变更简要说明:1、招标文件第二章 投标资料表“投标人须知”第24.1条:“投标文件的递交地址 查看详情>>
澄清或变更简要说明:1、招标文件第二章 投标资料表“投标人须知”第24.1条:“投标文件的递交地址是 查看详情>>

招标信息 | 2024-09-18丨 湖南

party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>

招标信息 | 2024-09-18丨 湖南

party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
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